Our Curriculum
AT HWCNS, our curriculum is a balance of social, emotional, academic and physical learning. The focus of this balance changes as the children progress through our 2, 3 and 4 year-old Programs. We also follow the Preschool Learning Without Tears Program and use their different age-appropriate, hands-on, fun tools and materials to teach the Handwriting and other academic elements of our curriculum.
In the 2s class, children are learning important social skills, such as separating from a parent or caregiver for the first time and sharing toys with a friend. Emotional skills, such as walking in line and sitting in circle time are also being developed. We introduce pre-school academics, such as letter, number, shape and color recognition and simple counting. The Learning Without Tears materials support children with these skills and help them to develop the fine motor skills they will need to write in the future.
As children progress to the 3s class, the emphasis on the social skills increases. By this stage, children are interacting and talking much more with their peers and we are able to focus more on social skills, such as playing cooperatively, kindness and respect during their daily activities. The academic focus increases in the 3s also, with children developing their pencil grip and gaining more confidence in letter and number recognition. The LWT Program also supports the academic learning in the 3s class. The LWT Wooden Pieces are introduced to the children and they learn the concepts of ‘Big Line, Little Line, Big Curve and Little Curve', which helps them to recognize letter formation.
By the time the children reach the 4s class, whereas social and emotional skills are still very important (such as taking turns to speak in circle time), the focus on the academics increases, as we prepare the children for Kindergarten the following year. We also increase the use of the Learning Without Tears Pre-School Writing materials, such as the Stamp and See Screen, LWT Chalk Boards and the LWT pre-school workbook.